Home Moving

residential moving moving movers foreman

Move Me has years of experience moving in California, working for all types of clients.

If you are considering a move to this area, Move Me is here to help! Our moving company specializes in long-distance and commercial moves to and from California.

Our moving company specializes in long-distance and commercial moves to and from California. Our California movers can complete local, long-distance, and moving companies near me jobs.

For more information and a free moving quote, please contact Move Me today.

Our Move Me Packers will be happy to box up your possessions and always make sure to take extra care with your fragile items. Untouched by the noise and pollution of today’s modern cities, Cambria is the perfect escape from modern stresses.

Of course, moving anywhere in Southern California can be just as stressful as it is exciting.

At Move Me, we are proud to provide a broad range of moving services designed to meet your needs.

As your California movers of choice, we can take the stress out of packing, loading, and unloading your possessions.

Do you need to move in or out of the city of California? Our movers are always ready to help! If you are considering moving to California, we are happy to be your California movers of choice.

In addition to long-distance and moving companies near me services, we also offer a packing service, short- and long-term storage options, and our special concierge service.

Call 818-875-0335 for a free Home Moving Quote

We are standing by to help you with your Home Moving.

Home Moving With Move Me

  • We are fast and efficient and provide quality results.

  • Glass/Marble – Items that contain glass or marble up to 4-feet are cardboard crated.

  • We can move your office overnight so you will not lose time in between moves.

  • Floors – On moving day, we lay down masonite on arrival to protect floors from becoming scraped

  • Move supervision by a personal project manager throughout the relocation process.

  • We are fully licensed, bonded, insured, with proper worker’s comp insurance.

  • Small Sculptures – Wrapped and packed in cardboard picture crate.

  • Expert handling of all office electronics and/or high-tech machinery.

  • Our movers get paid more when your items don’t get damaged and when they receive high customer service ratings.

Call 818-875-0335 to speak with a moving consultant about your Home Moving

We are prepared to make your Home Moving as smooth as possible

Home Moving Is As Easy As 1-2-3

Our Home Moving Accolades & Awards

  • residential moving moving movers foreman
  • residential moving moving movers foreman
  • residential moving moving movers foreman

Call 818-875-0335 for a free Home Moving Quote

We are standing by to help you with your Home Moving.